Showing posts with label background processing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label background processing. Show all posts

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Queue Processor



Starting with Pega Platform version 8.1, Job Scheduler and Queue Processor rules replace Agents and improve background processing. Job Scheduler rules replace Advanced Agents for recurring or scheduled tasks, and Queue Processor rules replace Standard Agents for queue management and asynchronous processing.

Remark: To mitigate risks and unexpected impacts to customer, however, product engineering did not convert all default/out of the box Agents to Job Scheduler and Queue Processor rules. For example, Pega Platform version 8.1.3 ships with 99 Agents, 14 Job Schedulers, and 3 Queue Processors. As another example, Pega Platform version 8.2.1 ships with 79 Agents, 16 Job Schedulers, and 7 Queue Processors.

Queue Processor

A Queue Processor rule includes two parts: A Kafka topic producer and the consumer. Queue Processor rule wraps a Stream dataset that under the hood abstracts a Kafka topic. The underlying Kafka topic is not visible in Pega Platform. We interact with the Queue Processor rule, and Pega Platform manages the underlying Kafka topic, from its creation through its deletion.

Queue Processor producer writes to the destination which is a Stream dataset (producer to Kafka topic) using a smart shape in flow rule or an activity method. Queue Processor consumer is a real time dataflow that has Stream dataset as source (consumer of Kafka topic) and executes an activity as the destination.


Queue Processor primarily involves below five run time components:

1.        Producer - Publishes messages to a Queue Processor rule. We can publish messages to a Queue Processor rule using the “Queue-For-Processing” method in an Activity or using “Run In Background” smart shape from flow rule.

2.        Stream service - Runs the Kafka broker under the hood. It persists and replicates the messages we publish to Queue Processor rule (among other things). More specifically, the Stream service was introduced in Pega Platform 7.4 to provide capabilities such as publishing and subscribing to streams of data records, storing streams of records, and processing data in real time. As illustrated in the diagram below, the Stream service is built on the Apache Kafka platform.

3.        Consumer - Subscribes to messages published to a Queue Processor rule.

4.        Data Flow Work Object  – In case of Queue Processor, an actual Data Flow rule is not created. Instead, Pega creates a Data Flow work object which is a representation of an in-memory Data Flow rule. The source of this in-memory Data Flow is the consumer (Stream Dataset) which subscribes to the Kafka topic and forwards the messages to the destination (i.e activity called by the Queue Processor). 

5.        AsyncProcessor requestor type - Provides the context for resolving Queue Processor rules.

Queue Processor rule automatically generates a stream data set and a corresponding data flow. The stream data set sends messages to and receives messages from the stream service. The data flow manages the subscription of messages to ensure message processing. We can view data flows that correspond with the queue processors in the system on the Queue processors landing page in Admin Studio.


Queue Processor Requirements

For the default Queue Processor rules to be active and process messages, there are three requirements.

Requirement 1 – AsyncProcessor Requestor Type

The AsyncProcessor Requestor Type was introduced in Pega Platform version 8.1 to provide the context for resolving Job Scheduler and Queue Processor rules as those rule types run in the background, and no user-based context is available to resolve them otherwise. Out of the box, the default AsyncProcessor requestor type is adequately configured and it is configured with the application-based access group PRPC:AsyncProcessor.

Remark: It is not uncommon to package a copy of the AsyncProcessor requestor type with an application that leverages Job Scheduler and Queue Processor rules. Therefore, it is critical to pay attention when importing an application packaged with it to ensure that we are not overwriting it as we could unknowingly disable all Job Scheduler and Queue Processor rules.

Requirement 2 – Node Types

The default Queue Processor rules are associated with node types BackgroundProcessing and Search. Therefore, we must run at least one Pega Platform node that covers those node types to ensure that all default Queue Processor rules are active and process messages. 

The details on node classification can be found here:

Requirement 3 – Stream Service

Ensure that the Stream service is active. For a given node, Pega Platform starts the Stream service if we classify the node with the type Stream. Naturally, we could classify the node with additional types as needed.

The details on Stream Service can be found here:


Putting It All Together

When considering the Node Types and Stream Service requirements discussed in the previous section, in Pega Platform version 8.x, there are three node types at a minimum required to ensure that A) all default Queue Processor rules are active and process messages and B) the Streaming service is active. Those node types are BackgroundProcessingSearch, and Stream.

In small development environments, we often leverage a single Pega Platform node. In such a case, the recommended approach is to specify all three node types explicitly. From the logical perspective, the three Queue Processor components are collocated. Although it is rarely the case, we need to keep in mind that the three components may contend for the same resources when the node is under load (e.g., CPU, memory). Please note that in this case, best practices recommend also specifying the WebUser node type.

In an environment where we actively leverage Queue Processor rules, best practices recommend leveraging a multi-tier deployment architecture. As an example, consider an application that involves interacting with users. Furthermore, in this example, assume users create case instances that publish messages to Queue Processor rules. In such a case, one obvious option is to architect our deployment with a WebUser tier, a Stream tier, and a BackgroundProcessing tier.

As illustrated in this diagram, in the context of Queue Processor rules, the Web tier acts as the producer, the Stream tier provides the Kafka cluster, and the BackgroundProcessing tier acts as the consumer. What truly matters in this example is the separation of concerns. Ultimately, this three-tier deployment architecture enables us to scale up the tiers independently and also ensures that the different components are not contending for the same resources when under load.

Pegasystems’ implementation of Kafka does not use Zookeeper (for reasons beyond the scope of this document). Instead, Pegasystems’ has implemented a component named Charlatan that acts as a shim between the Kafka broker and Pega Platform. Furthermore, Charlatan stores the state information that Zookeeper would normally manage into the Pega Platform database. The state information includes (but is not limited to) configuration data, Kafka broker session states, checkpoints, and failed messages. It is stored in the following tables within the PegaDATA schema:

·       pr_data_stream_node_updates

·       pr_data_stream_nodes

·       pr_data_stream_sessions

As stated before, the Stream service encapsulates and runs the Kafka broker under the hood. When a Queue Processor rule is created, Pega internally creates a topic having the same name as the Queue Processor rule in this Kafka instance. At runtime, when we queue a message to a Queue Processor rule, the Stream service forwards it to the associated Kafka topic, and in turn, the Kafka broker persists it to the local filesystem in a directory named kafka-data. For Apache Tomcat, for example, the kafka-data directory is located by default under the root of the Tomcat installation (i.e., CATALINA_HOME). Without going into too many details, you will find a collection of subdirectories within the kafka-data directory for each Queue Processor rule. The Kafka broker also stores some state information.

In Pega Platform version 8.x, the Stream service is configured by default with a replication factor of two. More specifically, the Stream service inherits the replication factor from Apache Kafka. To keep things simple in the context of this document, think of the replication factor as the number of nodes where a message is replicated to support high-availability. For a replication factor of n, for example, there is always a leader and n-1 followers. The followers serve as hot standby (if you will) and one will be elected leader if the current leader goes offline. Furthermore, the Kafka cluster will rebalance itself if a follower goes away, or we add a new node. As a side note, Cloudera recommended setting the replication factor to at least three for high availability production systems.

How Queue Processor Works

The Pega Queue Processor relies on the Stream Service implementation of Kafka. Here is a high level logical flow and a simple H/A cluster to demonstrate in a general way how the messages flow through Pega/Kafka and what the different technologies and roles are.

1.        The Queue Processor is a wrapper around the Stream Data Set Rule which under the hood encapsulates a Kafka topic. Each wrapper adds specific functionality and simplifies the interaction for the developer.

2.        The “Queue-For-Processing” Activity Method or “Run In Background” smart shape sends a clipboard page to the Standard or Named Dedicated Queue Processor. This represents the producer part of the Queue Processor.

3.        The Message is sent to the Kafka Broker which saves it on disk and makes it available to be pulled by a Consumer.

4.        The Stream Data Set also wraps the Kafka Consumer Functionality, therefore the Queue Processor also supports the consumption of Messages that have been sent to Kafka. The Queue Processor Wrapper includes additional capabilities to ensure single transaction processing and guaranteed delivery.

5.        The Queue Processor consumer part is represented by a real time DataFlow that has a Stream dataset as source. The Stream dataset subscribes to the Kafka topic to consume the messages and posts it to the destination activity of the dataflow which is the activity named in Queue processor rule for processing of the records.

6.        If the Queue Processor rule is configured for “Immediate” processing then all the messages posted by the producer are right away posted to the Kafka topic. The count of such messages posted to Kafka topic but yet to be consumed by the consumer is represented by “Ready To Process” column of the Queue Processor landing page in Admin Studio.

7.        If the Queue Processor rule is configured for “Immediate” processing but is unable to post the messages to Kafka topic due to unavailability of Stream Service then those messages are saved to the “pr_sys_delayed_queue” table in the PegaDATA schema instead to avoid loss of messages.

8.        If the Queue Processor rule is configured for “Delayed” processing then the messages posted by the Producer are saved to the “pr_sys_delayed_queue” table.

9.        When a message size is too large and exceeds the maximum message size (configurable via dynamic system settings) then such messages are saved to “pr_sys_delayed_queue  table. In order to process such large messages the associated DSS/prconfig entries needs to be updated else the messages will remain in the delayed table waiting to be processed.

10.     The count of messages saved to “pr_sys_delayed_queue” table and yet to be processed by the Queue Processor is represented by “Scheduled” column of Queue Processor landing page in Admin Studio.

11.     A Job scheduler named “pzDelayedQueueProcessorSchedule” runs every min to identify the queued records in “pr_sys_delayed_queue  table whose “pztimeforprocessing” time has expired and moves the such records from “Scheduled” to “Ready To Process” (i.e reads the records from the table and posts them to the Kafka topic associated with the Queue Processor rule).

12.     A Queue Processor attempts to process the message and in-case of failure re-tries to process the message again based on “Max Attempt” count configured on the Queue Processor rule form. The “Max Attempt” for retry also includes the first attempt to process the message. After the max attempt count is exhausted, the failed messages are moved to the broken queue which are saved into the “pr_sys_msg_qp_brokenItems” table in PegaDATA schema. From Pega 8.3 onwards during a retry attempt, the failed messages are saved to the “pr_sys_delayed_queue” table so that they can be processed by the next retry. Before Pega 8.3, the retries were immediate. If “Max Attempt” is set to 1 then the Queue Processor won’t retry processing and the processing will fail immediately if there is a failure in first attempt itself. This field can’t be set to 0.

13.     The count of messages saved to “pr_sys_msg_qp_brokenItems” table is represented by “Broken” column of Queue Processor landing page in Admin Studio. The broken items can be re-processed by requeuing them in admin studio.

14.     A Job scheduler named “pzQueueProcessorMaintenance”runs every 2 minutes to calculate the count of messages “Processed in last hour” shown in Queue Processor landing page in Admin Studio. This Job scheduler also tries to restart the Failed Queue Processors.

Figure 1: Queue Processor Logical Flow


Components of a High Availability Queue Processor

·       The Stream Service manages the Kafka Broker. In figure below, Nodes 4 and 5 are both stream services which means they both manage a Kafka Broker and automatically configure the Replication settings. As additional Stream Services nodes are added, they will manage the growing Kafka Broker Cluster to ensure appropriate replication and H/A settings

ü  Kafka stores the messages to the file system

·       Kafka Broker is designed to store state information to Zookeeper, but the stream service uses Charlatan as a shim to translate the Broker data and command to database tables. This is much simpler and easier for Pega to manage than zookeeper

·       Stream Data Service can act as both a Publisher to the Kafka Broker and as a Consumer pulling messages from Kafka. This allows for a single node to be both Publisher and Consumer or to allow independently scaling out the number of Nodes Publishing vs Processing


Figure 2: A Pega Cluster with 2 Stream Nodes for High Availability


Queue Processor rule form decoded


Field Name

Available Field Values

Meaning of the Field Values

Default Value


i) Enable

ii) Disable

Enable/Disable the QueueProcessor. Items can still be queued to disabled queueprocessor but they will not be processed.


Associated with node types

List of available node classifications

Runs on the selected node type. Option to choose a single nodetype/



Drop down to choose the class

Represents the class of the message being queued


Drop down to select the activity

The activity that gets executed when the queue item is processed

When to process

Radio button to choose between Immediate and delayed

1) If Immediate is selected, the item that is queued gets pushed immediately to the queue.

2) If delayed is selected, when the user tries to queue an item to the queue processor, an option to select the datetime for processing is presented to the user. The item becomes eligible for processing and gets pushed to the queue when the datetime criteria is met


Number of threads per node

Text field to enter the number of threads. Max value is 20

This field represents the number of threads per node that need to be spawned for this queue processor to process the items.

In a cluster with more than one node, the total number of threads across all the nodes on the cluster should not be more than 20 as that is the maximum parallelism we allow as of now. If it exceeds 20 other threads will remain idle and will not do any processing.


Max attempts

Text field to enter a numeric value

Represents the number of attempts to process the message before it is treated as failed item and moved to the broken process queue. User can view the list of broken items for a QP from the Queue Processor landing page and requeue/delete them


Initial delay (in minutes)

Text field to enter a numeric value

The amount of minutes for the processor to wait before retry to process an item.



Delay Factor

Text field to enter a numeric value

The factor by which the initial delay value is multiplied to calculate the period of time between successive retry attempts.


Long running Queue Processor threshold

Text field to enter a numeric value

Configured threshold time for the queue processor activity. If the activity executes beyond this threshold then Pega0117 ALERT is generated.

2 Secs


How to Queue Messages to Queue Processor

The producer part of the Queue Processor queues messages to the topic associated with the Queue Processor rule. The messages can be queued to the topic using either “Run in background” smart shape or “Queue-For-Processing” activity method:


Run in background (Smart Shape):


A smart shape called "Run in background" can be used in the case designer flow rule to queue an item.








Figure 1: Standard Queue Processor when used in Run in background smart shape

Figure 2: Dedicated Queue Processor when used in Run in background smart shape

Details on “Run in background” smart shape can be found here


Queue For Processing (Activity Method):

Figure 1: Queue For Immediate Processing


Figure 2: Queue For Delayed Processing


Field Name

Available field values


Default value



Standard represents queuing to the OOTB QueueProcessor called pzStandardQueueProcessor. If user chooses this option there is no need to create a new QueueProcessor.

Dedicated represents queuing to a custom QueueProcessor.



Autocomplete to select the QueueProcessor

The name of the QueueProcessor to queue the messages to


DateTime for processing

Option to choose a datetime property in the class of the step page

If the user creates a delayed QueueProcessor, this option lets the user to select the datetime property which will be used to compute the delay. The property represents the time after which the item will become eligible for processing.


Lock using


Key defined on property


1) Primary page: When the item is opened from the DB using the pzInskey persisted as part of message , it is opened with a lock on pzInskey.

2) Key defined on property : Using the pzInskey value open the page from database without locking which will be served as the primary page for the QP activity. In addition to that, another page with the name pyLockedPage is opened using the reference key with the lock option

3) Using the pzInskey in the message, page is opened from the database without a lock.

Primary Page

Write now


The default option is to not choose the Write Now. The message will be pushed as part of the next database commit. If Write now is selected, the message is immediately pushed to the queue and will not be part of any transaction.


Queue current snapshot of page


If not selected which is the default option and user queues a page which has the property pzInskey, the message that gets queued will just store the pzInskey and not the entire page. When the item is picked up from the queue for processing using the pzInskey the corresponding record is opened from the database.

If selected, the entire page gets pushed to the queue. And the same page will be used during the processing of the queue item. This is an advanced option used for performance optimizations.


Alternate access group

Drop down to select a property which has the accessgroup value

By default when the user enqueues a message, we capture the accessgroup of the thread enqueuing the message and use it while processing. If the user wants to execute the item in context of an access group different from the one who is queuing, this field can be populated



Standard Queue Processor Rule

Out of box, Pega Infinity provides a Standard and Shared Queue Processor rule instance named “pzStandardProcessor”. It can be used for standard asynchronous processing when processing does not require high-throughput or processing resources can be slightly delayed, and when default and standard queue behaviors are acceptable. This Queue Processor rule is associated with BackgroundProcessing Node Type.



Starting and stopping a queue processor

When a queue processor rule causes issues, you can stop the queue processor rule temporarily from Admin Studio.

The issue might be related to an unavailable external service, an unavailable stream node, or it can be a performance issue. After you fix the issue, enable the queue processor rule.

1.        In the navigation panel of Admin Studio, click Resources > Queue processors.

2.        Perform one of the following actions:

·       To disable a queue processor rule, in the State column, click Stop next to the rule.

·       To enable a queue processor rule, in the State column, click Start next to the rule.

Pega Admin Studio invokes the activity named "pzStartStopQueueProcessor" available in class Data-SystemOperations-QueueProcessor-QueueProcessorInfo to start or stop the queue processor.

Alternatively, we can also use the following activities in Data-Decision-DDF-RunOptions class to start, stop, resume or retry the queue processor manually by passing the ID of the Queue Processor rule as parameter.

1.        If QP is in Stopped or Completed state – pxStartbyId/pxStartRunbyId

2.        If QP is Initializing or In Progress state – pxStopbyId

3.        If QP is in Paused state - pxResumeRunById

4.        If QP is in Failed or 'Completed with failures' state  - pxRetryRunById

Tracing a Queue Processor

Trace your queue processor rules runs when the activity it resolves fails or does not work as expected. You can analyze the results of tracing to identify and fix the issue with queue processor rules.

1.        In the sidebar menu of Admin Studio, click Resources > Queue processors.

2.        Click the Actions menu icon next to a queue processor that you want to trace.

3.        Click Trace.

Note: You can only trace queue processors that are running.

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Queue Processor

  Overview Starting with Pega Platform version 8.1, Job Scheduler and Queue Processor rules replace Agents and improve background processi...

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